Wednesday 29 June 2011

what do children need from us & what can we do??

Responsive care means looking after the physical, cognitive, social and emotional (spiritual) needs of a child and includes:
  • Proper nutrition
  • Basic medical care
  • Universal precautions and clean water
  • Love and protection
  • Guidance, stimulation and teaching
  • Emotional support
  • Early access to developmental screening, assessment and intervention.
Understand and use what the research shows � brain �wiring� happens more vigorously throughout the first six years than at any other time during our lives. This develops through stimulation of the senses. It may sound complicated but the answer is fairly simple - Nurture, Stimulate and Love.
This means:
Time: Pay attention to your child.
Fun: Play with your child.
Love: Hug your child.
Healthy: Eat and prepare nutritious meals for you and your child.
Explore: Share what you know, tell and read stories together, learn new things
Talk: talk to introduce words as well as opening the doors to new ideas
Listen: listen and hear your child
Protect: be a safe, caring, friendly shelter for your child 24 hours a day

Thursday 23 June 2011

Basic Rules of Teaching

  1. Begin as early as possible
  2. Be joyous at all times
  3. Respect your child
  4. Teach only when you and your child are happy.
  5. Stop before your child wants to stop.
  6. Show materials quickly.
  7. Introduce new materials often.
  8. Do your program consistently.
  9. Prepare your materials carefully and stay ahead.
  10. Remember the Fail-Safe- Law:
    If you aren’t having a wonderful time and your child isn’t having a wonderful time – stop. You are doing something wrong.

Monday 20 June 2011

makanan khalifah kecil

sgt strict pasal pemakanan khalifah kecil.walau mcm mana pun,akan cuba sediakan makanan sendiri untuk khalifah kecil..NO junk food allowed.junk food dan fast food adalah dua perkara yang berbeza.junk food sgtlah tidak berkhasiat,hanya kaya dengan bahan pewarna dan kandungan yang di ragui..harap sgt dpt terus menyedia kan makanan yang berkhasiat untuk khalifah kecil.
pemakanan si kecil perlu dititik beratkan.bukan hanya untuk kesihatan dan kecergasan fizikal shj,malah,lebih dr yg kita lihat,makanan ini akan jd darah daging si kecil dan akan mempengaruhi tahap perkembangan otak si kecil dan perkembangan jiwa mereka.

1-6 bulan
express breast milk(EBM) only,,no bananas,biscuits n water-sistem dalaman sgt tidak sesuai untuk terima solid food
stok perlu dilabelkan untuk kegunaan akan datang.insyaallah,

6 bulan.
mula sediakan solid food untuk khalifah kecil sbb perut si kecil mula untuk terima mknn dan sgt memerlukan mknn extra selaen EBM kerana untuk perkembangan mereka.
sy mmg tidak menyarankan cerelac,rusk n etc,,bukan kerna bhn nya,ttp klu ble,biarlah kita cuba untuk sediakan sndr,dengan bahan yg terbukti berkhasiat dan tidak mempunyai bahan pengawet dan boleh siapkan dengan penuh kasih sayang kepada si kecil..:),.ini akan membantu untuk perkembangan otak dan fizikal si kecil.
bg yg bekerja,bleh bekukan untuk stok.dan diasingkan untuk mudah dipanaskan

Excited sgt nk bg solid food..:).pabila khalifah kecil 6 bulan,terus sediakan puree yg cair untuk khalifah kecil,,ahhahaha.
.mulakan dengan puree nasi dan dibancuh dengan EBM.jgn terus berikan dgn kuantiti yg byk kerna bayi br mula untuk trima solid food.try untuk 4-7hr sbb nk tgk penerimaan perut si kecil,lps tu try wt dgn carrot,sawi,ayam,ikan bilis(dibuang tulang dan digoreng tnpa minyak) etc,,try jg dgn buah,alhamdulillah,perut khalifah kecil dpt terima,,tiada cirit birit dan allergic,ruam etc,,,:)

8 bulan.
khalifah kecil dh xnak mkn puree,so try ubah mknn khalifah kecil dgn tekstur ketulan,.ble dh bg mknn jejari.
syafi dh msk 8 bulan,,tp dr 7 bulan,dia dh mula mknn jejari n tekstur yg kasar,,dia dh xble trima puree,,hehheh,,mmg xkan telan..skrg dia akan diberi maknn jejari..mula2 mmg sgt comot la bju dia,,tp xpe la,,asalkan dia ble suapkan mknn kedalam mulut dengan sendiri dan cuba untuk cuba untuk mkn sndr.
 tp untuk makluman semua,klu nk mulakan makanan jejari,make sure,jgn tinggalkan si kecil bersendirian,,perlu pastikan makann tu betul2 lembut supaya tidak tercekik dan mudah untuk dihadam.
so lps ni ble la ajar syafi gna spoon n mkn sndr.lalallalala..

10 bulan-seterunya
si kecil dh boleh mula mkn mknn yg dihidangkan untuk family,,
tp mknn khalifah kecil tetap diasingkan dan disediakan khas untuk khalifah kecil dan diselangi dengan EBM dan air putih yang secukupnya.
untuk perasa tmbahan,stok ayam,ikan,daging disediakan untuk tmbah perasa pd mknn khalifah kecil.
untuk makluman,bagi mknn si kecil,perlu di sediakan dengan kepingan saiz yg ble digigit,terus elakkan penggunaan garam,bahan perasa dan rempah..klu ble,biarlah berterusan sehingga 2thn.
jgn sesekali bg kekacang bulat untuk si kecil kerana akan menyakibatkan si kecil tercekik.
seusia ini si kecil perlu diajar sebaik mungkin untuk mkn sndr dgn jari,sudu dan garpu, serta penggunaan cawan dengan betul.,ini secara tidak langsung,dpt membantu perkembangan otak dan tumpuan mata si kecil..
cuba jg bg mknn sunnah seperti kismis,kurma yg sudah terbukti kesannya pada minda si kecil.

pemakanan sikecil perlulah dijaga dan dititik beratkan

Sunday 19 June 2011

kyra oh kyra

teringin sgt nk ajar khalifah kecil swimming,,tp khalifah kecil sgt takot air kt pool,,cmna ni,,klu nk maen air n mndi kt rumah suka sgt,tp klu pool,menjerit,menanges semua ada.
Suka sgt tgk,si kecil my fren,seusia kyra,tp dh brani terjun kt pool,teruja sgt,,

rsnya kna anta khalifah kecil g swimming kt mna yg ok untuk my khalifah kecil area Kepong atau yg berdekatan,,cari dan terus mencari,,insyaallah,,

Saturday 18 June 2011

bahan2 HS

hr ni sibuk cr bahan untuk ajar khalifah kecil next week.suka tgk blog2 yg wt HS untuk si kecil..excited nk print semua bahan..hehhehethanx to mama,byk dpt info dr mama...harap perkembangan khalifah kecil lg maningkat n semuanya berjaya,,insyaallah,,

Wednesday 15 June 2011


hr ni semua khalifah kecil dh baek dr demam,syukur sgt2..semuanya dh ok:).
so,hr ni semua dh kembali aktif n mulakan perkembangan br..well done khalifah kecil,,*hugs n kisses*

as usual,klu jmpk board,paper n pen,msti lukis circle.klu d suruh lukis laen pon,still akan start ngn circle lps tu conteng,tp mulut akan ckp a A,B, C...1,2,3...bla2.,adoi,,wat ever la sayang..asal x ilang minat nk blaja wlpon blaja hanya 15 min ja,heeheh,,
well done amad..skrg dh suka pegang pen..klu sblm ni,klu jmp pen,dia akan wat tau ja,tp skrg,pantang jmp pen,msti akan ambik n conteng lantai,wlpn ada paper kt tepi.,haha,,xpa la sayang,,insyaallah,xlma lg,amad msti ble pegang pen dgn baek n cuba untk conteng kt paper..
skrg syafi dh suka hr ni pnjt cermin pintu,,adoi,,dh mula nmpk pintu,,skrg asik merangkak ke pintu,nk klua,,hahahha,,dh busan dlm rumah ye sayang,,dh nk explore kt luar ye,,ok,next time kita blaja kt luar plk k,hehhehe,,but not today,,
khalifah kecil semua br ja lps demam,so skrg semua perintah berkurung,,hehehe,,ksian khalifah kecil kn..
baby maysa
sekarang dh 3 bulan usia maysa zara.maysa dh pandai nk bersembang,,suka senyum,..dh pndai nk attract org kt tepi,,dh kurang nangis,xsuka tidur siang,,,berbeza time 2 bulan pertama dlu,,dh besar kn sayang,,good girl,,
sekarang dh start nk ble meniarap lma2..dan dh ble tegak kepala,,hehhehe,good job sayang.lps ni ble slalu letak maysa meniarap and exercise,hehehe,,

Tuesday 14 June 2011

~~kawan terbaik~~

ibu bapa adalah kawan yang terbaik dlm kehidupan si kecil perlu di layan dan di belai dengan penuh kasih sayang,,
layanlah si kecil seperti kwn dewasa anda,
klu kawan baik kita melakukan kesalahan,kita akan selalu menasihatkan dia untuk berubah tnpa jemu,walaopon kesalahan dilakukan berulang kali,,
jd layanan sebegitu harus juga diberikan kepada si kecil,walau berkali kali mengulangi kesalahan yang dh ditegur,senyum lah dan nasihat dia sebaek mungkin,jgn jemu untuk memberi nasihat dan menegur,terutamanya si kecil di bawah 7 thn,,tp skrg,parents slalu ckp,nk jd bestfriend untk si kecil,tp klu si kecil ulangi kesalahn yang udah ditegur,mesti parents akan tinggikan suara,xpon si kecil akan di pukul,kesian si kecilkan,,kdg2 si kecil akan ulangi kesalahan yang sma adalah sbb dia  nk tarik perhatian parents ja,xpon mybe dia lupa dengan teguran semalam,so,ulangilah teguran yg sma,smpi si kecil mengetahui apa yang salah,dan jgn sesekali di pukul kerana itu akan membuat dia memukul kwnnya klu membuat kesalahan nnt.
  • jadilah mendengar rengetannya yg setia,
  • sentiasa memberikan senyuman kepadanya walau sibuk mna pon,
  • luangkan masa sekurang2nya 1-2 jam sehari,bermaen dan berbual bersama
  • jangan meninggikan suara atau memukul walaupon menjentik,,si kecil tidak layak untk mendapat layanan sebegitu dr parents,
~~semoga all parents akan jd guru dan kawan terbaek dalam diri si kecil~~:)

Sunday 12 June 2011

are we giving kids enough freedom to explore themselves?

We need to learn to understand our little caliphs,what they are really want.
 We need to learn to trust them. give them opportunity to explore their life.
 We need to learn how to learn in freedom. 
We need to know what freedom is and what comes hand-in-hand with it. Otherwise we will continue to play catch-the-mouse with it and going in circles trying to catch the elusive thing called freedom. 
We need to stop running and start facing it without fear. We need to embrace it in our daily lives with ourselves, with our children and with our country.
We will never taste freedom if our mind isn’t free to think intelligently, creatively and compassionately. 
So in all our lives, we should value the freedom to live peacefully, to learn creatively and to think wisely.
Birds should not be caged. Animals should not be leashed. Minds should not be controlled.

**how to be a successful parents**

10 Qualities of Successful Parents
By Wes Fessler

familyThere is no responsibility greater than that of being a parent. Successful parenting requires more than providing for the physical needs of one’s children—it means being committed to their developmental well-being and overall success. A goal of this magnitude requires parents to give of themselves everyday. Successful parents are those who lift their children to heights they may never attain themselves.
10 Qualities of Successful Parents

Identify good qualities in your children.

Make a conscious effort to identify and compliment your children for their good qualities. Sometimes it is necessary to take a pause from the rush of life and enjoy the wonderful qualities that your children possess. Don’t think for a moment that a mental note is enough. Point out your children’s good qualities and let them build upon them.
2.Make time daily to spend with your kids.

Life has a way of consuming all of your time. It is easy to become “too busy” to do anything with your kids. If you can’t find the time, make the time. No matter how busy you are, or how tired you may be; there is no reason to deny your children of 30 minutes of your daily time. Give your kids thirty minutes every day for whatever they wish to do. 
3.Communicate positively with your children.
Talk to your kids in a positive way. Talk to them in a friendly manner about whatever subject they wish to discuss. Avoid falling into the trap of speaking to your kids only when you need to discipline them. Kids get your attention most easily when they are getting into trouble, but don’t make this the only time you talk to them because your speech will be less than pleasant. Give your children the benefit of positive communication and they will be more likely to talk to you in good times and bad. 
Involve children in household activities and family trips.
Don’t allow children to become isolated in some remote corner of the house. It is important to allow your children a reasonable amount of privacy, but don’t encourage them to become reclusive in their rooms.
Although this will be a subject of controversy, I would suggest keeping as many electronic “toys” in common family areas. Keep televisions, computers, and phones out of children’s rooms whenever possible. Additionally the daily time allowed to use these attention demanding items should be regulated. Encourage family time and whenever possible do the unthinkable…talk to each other.
In addition to household activities, plan fun events outside of the house in which the kids can be involved. Plan simple, but exciting activities that everyone can enjoy. Also plan vacations and trips together when possible. Allow your children to contribute their ideas for your times together. Make a habit of giving the children something to look forward to with the family. 
5.Listen attentively to your children.

Be aware of the way you listen to your children—especially when you are busy. Take care to assure your children that you think that what they say is important. At times when you are preoccupied, it is easy to make the mistake of answering your children without paying full attention to what they are saying. When you find yourself answering your children by saying, “uh huh,” “yeah,” or a similar manner of thoughtless speech, take note of it and pay closer attention to your children. As a parent, you would surely take offense if your children answered you in this way. Be sure to look at them when they are talking to you. This may take a little extra effort, but it will make you give them the attention they deserve, and your children will see that you believe that what they say is important.  
6.Be willing to change.
Part of being a successful parent is knowing when to change something about yourself. Don’t allow your determination to be a good parent prevent you from being one. Everyone wants to be a perfect parent, but there truly is no such thing. Parents do make mistakes from time to time. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes as a parent, as long as you can admit it to yourself and make changes for the better.
7.Protect your children’s safety.

Caring for the safety of your children may seem to be so obvious that it does not need mention. It is amazing how many parents fail to care for even basic elements of their children’s safety. From parents who call upon their young children to cross a busy street after school while they sit in their cars, to others who let their children roam the streets without any knowledge of where they are, it can be disturbing to see how some parents deprive their children of basic safety. Never gamble on the safety of your children. 
8.Do not allow your children to disrespect you or your spouse.

Being a good parent does not mean you must allow your children to disrespect you or your spouse(or partner). Be certain that your children understand what you expect of them in regard to respect.
9.Don’t argue with your spouse in front of the children.

In heated moments, this may seem difficult to avoid; but there is nothing that can be gained from arguing in front of your children. When something becomes a big enough issue that an argument is unavoidable, be aware that the children are watching and find a way to bottle it up and discuss it in private. There is nothing wrong with your children knowing that you have disagreements with your spouse (or partner), but unless you want your children to be a part of the argument, it is best to take care of the disagreement privately. Don’t put children in a position where they will take sides or hear utterances that will be apologized for later. Whatever it takes keep your children out of your arguments.
10.Tell your children you love them.

Never refrain from telling your children you love them. Ignore any thoughts in your head that tell you not to do so. It is difficult to tell your children you love them too much, but it is easy to tell them too little. Don’t let such a simple thing be a cause of regret. Tell your children you love them.
Learning and Growing
Successful parents are not perfect parents. It is important to know that in parenting, certain mistakes are inevitable. It is unrealistic to expect to be right all of the time. Successful parents, however, are those who frequently consider what is best for their children and are willing to adapt themselves toward positive outcomes.
Growing Together 
Many parents may always have the best intentions for their children, there are times when the hadling of parenting issues can use some improvement. Successful parenting requires regular self-evaluation in areas that are important to the children. All parents have ideals and personal beliefs about what is most important for their children. Unless they are written down, however, some of these most important values may be overlooked as parents evaluate relationships with their children.

These ten qualities of successful parents are a starting point for self-evaluation. They are qualities that apply to almost any parent. You may also wish to make a list of qualities that are specifically important to you. Reflecting on these lists from time to time can help to keep goals on track with values even as children grow, change, and mature.

Being a successful parent is all about doing what is right for your children. These ten items apply to universally to parents, but there are many additional items that are not mentioned here that also contribute to being a successful parent. There are so many aspects involved in being a good parent that it is difficult to keep track of them all in your mind. It is helpful to have a written list of all of the aspects of parenting that are important to you. Occasional reflection and self-evaluation with this list can be helpful in identifying ways to truly be a successful parent.

Saturday 11 June 2011


dengan lafaz Bismillahirrahmanirrahim,catatan untuk khalifah kecilku dirasmikan..,,:)
catatan ini hanyalah pengalaman harian bg si kecil yang kian membesar,
harap catatan ni dpt dikongsikan dengan kaum ibu dan ayah yg laen,,insyaALLAH!!!